American Schools Climbing League (ASCL) will host their State Finals at Gripstone on February 22nd, 2025.
Gripstone will be closed on the day of the event.
There will be boulders and routes set at the gym for the competitors. These routes are only off-limits to the competitors. Routesetting for the competition starts on February 10th and ends on February 21st. All routes/boulders set for the competition will be clearly marked and we ask that all ASCL competitors stay off of them until the competition.

Registration is $50 per competitor.
Who can compete?
If you have qualified for American Schoolastic Climbing League (ASCL) state finals, then you can compete in the competition at Gripstone.
How do I register?
Please use the provided link above to register for the ASCL State Finals. The link will take you to our RGP booking window which will collect payment and information. Registration fee for the competition is $50 per person.
Are competitors allowed in the facility before the comp?
Yes. However, competitors are not permitted to attempt any of the routes/boulders that will be used in the competition.
How does check in work?
Check in begins at 7:30 am. Please check in at the front desk before entering the facility. ALL participants and spectators must have an active waiver at Gripstone prior to entering. Waivers can be filled out here. If participants have not pre-registered, as long as competitors have qualified, they can do so at the front desk on the day of.
Are spectators allowed?
Spectators are welcome all day. Stop by to watch your kids climb or enjoy the friendly competition. The only thing we ask – please fill out a waiver prior to entering the facility. ALL spectators are required to fill out a waiver and check in at the front desk to enter Gripstone. That can be done here.
Do I need to get a Gripstone certification to belay for the comp?
We will not be requiring all individuals to get certified at Gripstone. It is required for all individuals belaying to have a belay or lead certification, even if it is from another facility. This can be done upon checking in at the front desk.
Can I climb while the comp is going on?
No. Gripstone is closed for public climbing all day.
What belay device can I use at Gripstone?
At Gripstone, you must belay with an ABD only. There is NO exception to this rule.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please email [email protected] or [email protected]